
Changes in 护理 学校s: From Sources of Free Labor to Respected Institutions


Whether you have completed 护理 school or are juggling it right now, you may be surprised to learn that the nation's first nurses did not need any education. This is because 护理 did not start out as an organized profession. 在早期护理史上, nurses were individuals who decided that they wanted to take care of members of the community. 护理 therefore started out as home health care far before it moved into hospitals and clinics. Changes in 护理 during wars initiated the creation of formal 护理 education.


It wasn't until after the Civil War that 护理 education became more common, but it was a European nurse by the name of Florence Nightingale who spurred this development. Nightingale practiced at a hospital in London when the British Secretary of War, Sidney Herbert, 给她寄了一封信. It asked her to assemble a team of nurses to take care of sick and injured soldiers at the Crimean War zone. While her work there made her a hero, her most lasting impact on 护理 took place after the war. She established a 护理 school and wrote the widely influential "Notes on 护理,,其中概述了护理标准和原则. Shortly thereafter, the United 状态s was plagued by the Civil War. 护士在照顾受伤士兵方面发挥了关键作用. The war made it clear that nurses could make a significant difference in patient care, 此后不久, 几所护理学校成立.


The first 护理 schools were associated with hospitals. While the programs were based on the teachings of Nightingale, 在现实中, the nurses spent much time serving as free labor for the hospitals. Gradually, their responsibilities and education improved. 根据 国家妇女历史博物馆, schools were motivated to provide better training because a nurse's cap identified her school even after graduation. The hospital's reputation was therefore only as good as the nurses they trained. Early 护理 schools were segregated as were workplaces for nurses. Men were typically not accepted into 护理 programs until civil rights laws outlawed it. When state licensing boards started implementing training requirements and licensing systems, 护士教育变得更加正规化.


There have been many changes in 护理 since hospital-affiliated education first started. Current 护理 programs are highly regulated institutions. Traditional hospital-based 护理 education still exists, where students become nurses by obtaining a diploma in 护理 and then passing the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) exam. More common today, however, are 护理 programs at colleges and universities, such as an 护理专业副学士学位 (两年制课程)或 护理学学士学位 (四年制学位). After passing the NCLEX exam, students can practice as nurses or continue to earn graduate degrees. 今天, it's difficult to imagine nurses practicing without any education, or 护理 schools asking their students to spend much of their time cleaning hospital rooms. Most current 护理 schools offer challenges even before you attend your first class in the form of a comprehensive entrance exam. The strict requirements to become a nurse not only ensure that patients are protected, but they have also increased the respect the public has for the profession. 


图片来源: 维基共享